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Frequently Asked Questions for Submitters
  1. I have a question not covered here. Who do I ask?
    Please contact GSCCCA customer support at (404) 327-9058 or email
  2. What steps should I take to test against the Authority Web API?
    1. Go to
      1. Read the GSCCCA Real Estate eFiling Filer Implementation Guide in detail
      2. Read the GSCCCA Real Estate eFiling Portal Instrument Guide in detail
      3. Acquaint yourself with the PRIA 2.4.1 XML Standard
    2. Go to
    3. Create an account
    4. Email with the account name or call (404) 327-9058 to be set up for testing. Note testing is for a value added submitter.
    5. For testing, use the web services here: link to
  3. What are the requirements to become an Approved Value Added Submitter?
    The exact requirements will be communicated in order to begin testing. You will be given a county to work with in the test environment in order to monitor progress. At a minimum, the following will need to be demonstrated:
    • Submit multiple filings in a package
    • Submit a mixture of recordable and non-recordable documents
    • Submit a variety of document types including Deeds, Liens, and Plats
    • Retrieve the stamped data once it is processed by the clerk
  4. What is an Integrated Submitter?
    An Integrated Submitter is a user who performs calls to the eFile Real Estate API in order to submit real estate packages and pays through their Authority wallet instead of directly to the county of recording.
  5. What are the requirements to become an Integrated Submitter?
    Follow the steps above for testing with the eFile Real Estate API, but when contacting Authority support indicate testing is to become an Integrated Submitter. There are additional requirements that will be conveyed.
  6. What is PRIA?
    PRIA stands for Property Records Industry Association. It is a body that sets standards for land records transmissions.
  7. What is PRIA XML?
    The PRIA XML Standard is a schema that defines what is to be included in a real estate transmission, including metadata and image data. Please download version 2.4.1, as that is the version that the Authority uses for all GSCCCA Real Estate Web APIs.
  8. Are the PRIA XML document types case sensitive?
    PRIA XML is case sensitive and therefore the document types are case sensitive. For example, plat documents should be transmitted with the document type “Plat” and not “plat” or “PLAT”.
  9. How should images be submitted in the PRIA XML?
    All images should be included as a TIFF encoded as a base64 string.
  10. Do Plat images have special rules?
    By law, a submitted Plat must use Group4 compression, be 300 dpi, and cannot be a multipage document. For cases where the original TIFF is a multipage document, use multiple EMBEDDED_FILE elements, each representing a page. Group multiple pages of the same document with the same EmbeddedFileName attribute, and preserve the page order using the RecordableDocumentSequenceIdentifier attribute.
  11. Are the GRANTOR AND GRANTEE fields required for the “Plat” and “Lien” document types?
  12. For “Plat” document types, how do I transmit GRANTOR AND GRANTEE information when these fields do not apply to plats?
    For “Plat” document types, include the name of condominium, subdivision or property owner in the GRANTOR field. Put an empty string (“”) in the GRANTEE field.
  13. For “Lien” document types, how do I transmit GRANTOR AND GRANTEE information when these fields do not apply to liens?
    For “Lien” document types, transmit the direct party (or debtor) in the GRANTOR field and the reverse party (or claimant) in the GRANTEE field.
  14. Several days have passed since submittal, and the clerk’s office has not processed the submitted package. What should be done?
    Contact the clerk’s office to see if there is a reason that they have not processed the filing.
  15. The clerk’s office informed me that they processed my filing, but I still see it in the Received state. What should be done?
    If you are calling the GetStatus web method and it is still listed as Received but the county system has it marked as processed, contact GSCCCA customer support listed above.
  16. How often can I call the GetStatus web method?
    Please try not to exceed once every 30 seconds for any automated web method calls.
  17. What is a non-recordable document?
    A non-recordable document is a document sent by the filer which will not receive a Book/Page assignment. It can be a note to the clerk or a supporting document that is not part of the filing such as a PT-61.
  18. How is a non-recordable document included?
    Non-recordable documents can be included in the XML as a TIFF image. Add a new DOCUMENT element to the same PRIA_DOCUMENT as the recordable document it references and add the DocumentNonRecordableIndicator=”Y” attribute assignment to the element. That DOCUMENT will not be recorded by the clerk’s office.
  19. Can there be multiple non-recordable documents?
    Yes. Filers may attach as many non-recordable documents as necessary.
  20. Does the DOCUMENT order matter?
    Document order does not affect processing. However, if filers want the clerk’s office to see a note or message first, it is recommended to include the non-recordable DOCUMENT element before others and set all DOCUMENT SequenceIdentifier attributes to list images in order of preference.
  21. Will the non-recordable documents be included in the acceptance response?
    Non-recordable documents may or may not be included in the final returned package. Most likely it will be removed. If included, it will not have a stamp or book and page assigned and will not appear in the indexed package data.