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Frequently Asked Questions for Vendors
  1. I have a question not covered here. Who do I ask?
    Please contact GSCCCA customer support at (404) 327-9058 or email
  2. What steps should I take to test against the Authority Web API?
    1. Go to
      1. Read the GSCCCA Real Estate eFiling County Implementation Guide in detail
      2. bRead the GSCCCA Real Estate eFiling Portal Instrument Guide in detail
      3. cAcquaint yourself with the PRIA 2.4.1 XML Standard
    2. Go to
    3. Create an account
    4. Email with your account name or call (404) 327-9058 to be set up for testing. Note testing is for a participant vendor.
    5. For testing, use the web services here: link to
  3. What are the requirements to become a Participating Vendor?
    The exact requirements will be communicated in order to begin testing. You will be given a county to work with in the test environment in order to monitor progress. At a minimum the following will need to be demonstrated:
    • Process multiple filings in a package
    • Process a mixture of recordable and non-recordable documents
    • Process a variety of document types including Deeds, Liens, and Plats
    • Correct stamp placement
    • Assignment of endorsement information (book/page, fees, etc.)
  4. How do I create test packages in test once set up?
    Do one of two things (or both).
    1. Download the RE_API_DEMO application. Make sure you request to be able to submit documents through the demo application.
    2. File through the test website.
  5. I accepted or rejected a package, but I still see the package awaiting clerk review. What should I do?
    When you call the Accept web method to accept the package, you will get an XML response back from the Authority. The Status listed in the XML will either be “Received” or “Error.” Check to see if you are getting back an error. Any time the Authority responds that an error has occurred there will be a description of what type of error occurred. If the status of the returned XML is “Received” and the package is still awaiting clerk review, contact GSCCCA customer support listed above.
  6. Are the PRIA XML document types case sensitive?
    PRIA XML is case sensitive and therefore the document types are case sensitive. For example if plat documents should be transmitted with the document type “Plat” and not “plat” or “PLAT”.
  7. What is a non-recordable document?
    A non-recordable document is a document sent by the filer which will not receive a Book/Page assignment. It can be a note to the clerk or a supporting document that is not part of the actual filing such as a PT-61.
  8. How do I identify non-recordable documents?
    Please read over the PRIA XML standards in detail. Non-recordable documents are identified by the DOCUMENT attribute DocumentNonRecordableIndicator when it is set to “Y”.
  9. When accepting a non-recordable document, do I need to include it in the response?
    You can drop all non-recordable documents from the acceptance XML as they are not assigned a book/page.
  10. Does the order of the documents matter?
    No. The Authority always has documents in the same order, but a value added submitter may have a different ordering system. This means that you cannot assume a non-recordable document based on document list order. Always look at the attribute.
  11. What are the rules for stamping eFiled images?
    Plat documents must have a three inch square in the upper left hand corner of the document. Be sure that your stamp fits in the square. The Authority recommends the ability to place the stamp, as there is no guarantee that a stamp will not overlap text on the document.
  12. What happens if an accepted package is returned with incorrect stamping information?
    The stamping information will need to be manually updated and returned to the filer. The Authority does not support altering an already accepted package.
  13. What is eAssist?
    eAssist is an Authority created client application installed locally on clerk computers. It has the ability to accept and reject plats.
  14. How do I integrate a land record system with a county that uses eAssist for eFiled plats?
    When accepting a package, eAssist exports all accepted, stamped, images as TIFFs. These TIFFs can be single or multipage depending on the user’s options. The images can be exported to a local drive or to a shared drive on a server. Your land records system can then import those images. No XML data is exported, only the images.
  15. Are the GRANTOR AND GRANTEE fields required for the “Plat” and “Lien” document types?
  16. For “Plat” document types, how do I transmit GRANTOR AND GRANTEE information when these fields do not apply to plats?
    For “Plat” document types, include the name of condominium, subdivision or property owner in the GRANTOR field. Put an empty string (“”) in the GRANTEE field.
  17. For “Lien” document types, how do I transmit GRANTOR AND GRANTEE information when these fields do not apply to liens?
    For “Lien” document types, transmit the direct party (or debtor) in the GRANTOR field and the reverse party (or claimant) in the GRANTEE field.
  18. What is Bulk Lien eFiling?
    Bulk Liens are lien packages with sometimes hundreds of liens included into a single package. The idea is to allow for the processing of a large number of liens without the vendor system being overwhelmed by hundreds of packages.
  19. Are the requirements for bulk lien eFiling the same as lien eFiling?
    Bulk liens do not have Grantor/Grantee information listed, although they have empty Grantee/Grantor fields present, because they are uploaded as a batch job and not individually.
  20. How often can I call the GetPendingPackages web method?
    Please try not to exceed once every 30 seconds for any automated web method calls.